Saturday, May 21, 2011

Happy Saturday

Oh Mr. Sun, Sun, Oh Mr. golden Sun

Finally, after five days of rain the sun is out! Rain is good once in a while. Don't get me wrong. I love the days I can stay inside with sweats on and do nothing but listen to the rain, but after a few days it catches up. When im in sweats for too long I start to feel gross about myself. I do much better when I can wake up shower, blow out my hair, and put on a cute outfit! Especially with being pregnant, I feel like a beached whale so I should atleast decorate this beached whale, right?!?

Im looking forward to the beach days. A nice tan goes a long way! Before I got pregnant I loved to be tan. In my head I thought it made me look thinner. HAHA the games I use to play with myself! I guess I wont be doing much swimming in the ocean this summer but im looking forward to plopping on a chair right by the water and sitting for hours........sunblock ofcourse! Im also looking forward to getting away for a couple of days. Liam and I never took a honey moon, since our wedding was a little rushed due to the circumstance. I cant fly so we cant go far. We are going to do a honey moon next year, im shooting for February, as long as the baby weight is all gone! Right when the doctor gives me the okay, I will be back at the gym with Liam kicking major booty. I will get that six pack back!

Today we are going to Jersey. Im disappointed Aunt JoAnn (Aunt Kims sister) wont be there. She loves to see my belly, just like Aunt Kim! Oh well, im thinking of taking a drive there either later in the week or next week, as long as they are free. Ashley is home from school now for summer but today is a family bbq for her 21st birthday so we cant go out and do anything. I was thinking when I go next time, we could go baby shopping. Speaking of baby shopping, I need to register. Liams sister said she will get someone to watch boys next weekend and she will take me to register.

WHERE DID YOU ALL REGISTER? Kohls, Babies R Us, Bye Bye Baby?

Happy Saturday :)


  1. JoAnn might be here for alittle while. I think you will see her. Come OUT next week - I like to baby shop!

  2. We don't have a Bye Bye Baby. Never was in one of those stores.

  3. Oh I know Kim is super stoked to see you and the cute little baby bump! Hey Kim rubbing a baby bump means good luck!! OK so yay for a pretty day it is gorg here too love it! Girl you do not look like a beached whale look great and yay for being able to go to the beach and relax whoo hoo!! OK so girl you will have that baby weight off as soon as the baby is born you look all belly so I betcha you won't have to work out to much :)

    I registered at Baby's R US, Target we don't have a Bye Bye Baby....


  4. We've been having a lot of rain too. Sooooo over it. Today was sunny though, just wish it was warmer but we can't have everything. lol

    Have fun in Jersey!
