Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Dog lovers.......HELP!

For all you dog lovers out there, i need some help! My husbands dog, Harley, and well now my dog that I adopted when I married Liam, has severe seperaton anxiety. We have a baby gate up so Harley cant come in kitchen, if we are at table he will sit by the gate and cry. If one of us goes into the bathroom he will follow us and sit at the door and cry. Even if he can see us he cant stand the thought of one of us not being in the room with him(thats how I know he has this issue). He gets this look of fear on his face. He absolutly hates it and we tend to give in because we dont want to listen to it. Its getting so frustrating! This problem is going to be major when September comes and the baby is here.

So help me, how do we fix this problem?!?!?


  1. Tucker is my shadow and follows me everywhere. Ashley says he looks for me when I am gone. He lays outside the bathroom door when I take a shower. Harley just wants to be with you so.....let him in the kitchen and let him sleep in the bed! LOL

  2. I'd love to tell you the answer-but I'd be a hypocrite :( My hubby and I sleep in our king sized bed with our two cats. The only reason our Standard Poodle (think the size of a lab!) doesn't sleep with us in the bed anymore is because he's too old to get up the stairs into the bed. But don't let that fool you...he sleeps on the couch :) If you get some good suggestions, please share!

  3. Hi Erin,
    This is a typical dog behaviour, I guess reason why they are called man's best friend. :) They just want to be around you, especially small dogs, they love their owners.
    If you cannot keep him with you for whatever reason I suggest you get a puppy for him to be with. Dogs are pack animals and they need to be around others if not of their kind then you. :)

    Hope this helps.


  4. I was thinking too - get another dog so he has company.
