Thursday, March 24, 2011

Introduction-HELLO EVERYONE!

Hello bloggers. I decided to start a blog for several reasons.  My Aunt Kim got me hooked, check out her blog, I love to read all your blogs and thought it would be fun to start one of my own, and to talk about my life changes during pregnancy and after. My husband and I got married February 18th, 2011 after dating for just a few months.  In the beginning of January I found out I was two weeks pregnant! Bizzare I know, most people dont know they are pregnant until they start to grow. I know my body and I knew something was up. Like most females, I was nervous. How was I going to maintain my figure? Would I still be able to workout 7 days a week? Could I finish college? Luckily everything worked out great. I married a terrific guy named Liam, I moved into the house he bought two years ago, we are renovating the house, and before we know it the baby will be here! I am currently 15 weeks. We decided to not find out the sex of the baby, which makes shopping impossible. Until next post. . . . .



  1. HI Erin,
    Your aunt Kim is a good friend of mine! We met through blogging over a year ago and become good friends who send mail, email daily! I just love her! She had told me you were preggers and I didn't realize hat was you when you started following my blog LOL and then Kim told me this morning that you were following me and had a blog LOL...I am a bit dingy so bare with me hahahaha

    How exciting newlyweds, baby on the way, fixing up your house, wow lots going on!

    We had a gender neutral baby shower, nursery etc, for my Miss Kelcee decided she was to modest and would never let us take a looksy hahahha....

    So my friends had me the cutest yellow, green, blue, pink polka dot baby shower which was themed clothes pins and onsies, booties, etc. even the cake looked like grass etc. with a clothes line and onsies, booties hanging from it, it was so stinkin cute, my fav part was the candles for favors that had a note tied to them that said when you light this flickering flame, say a prayer in baby's name! Loved it...

    Oh and we got lots of yellow LOL...I hope you like yellow


  2. Hi Erin~
    Welcome to the bloggin world! I've had my blog for over 3 years and I ♥ it! I think having a blog and visiting other peoples blogs is SO MUCH FUN!

    Congrats on getting married and now having a baby. How wonderful and exciting!

    PS--I found your blog through Kim. I always enjoy visiting her blog. We always have fun chatting about our dogs. I have a little dog Teddy that resembles Tucker. I love how Kim posts pics. of cracks me up!

    Have a great day, oh, and I'm your newest follower!

    I'd love for you to stop by my blog sometime and say hello :)

  3. PS--
    I meant to include my blog address for you:

  4. Your Auntie Kim sent me over. How exciting for you to have a place you can connect with others and share you life. My daughter is and has a mommie blog that I think you will enjoy. Would love to see you at my place too.
    Have fun with this and just be yourself.
    Your Auntie Kim reminds me of My Auntie Sheila... and that a great thing.

  5. Wecome Erin! I met your aunt through Blogland through a swap that I did with her. You will soon find out that those are SOOOOO much fun! The few that I have done I really feel like I know the ladies. Welcome again! I can't wait to follow along! Come visit me if you will! I have two blogs. Crazy I know!!

  6. i've been following your aunt kim for quite a while...welcome to the blog world!

  7. I met your Aunt Kim over ten years ago in a crafting website group. We've still got 5 original members of the group from NJ to GA to MN to CA, who still stay in touch!
    So excited for you! Can't believe you don't want to know the sex of your baby! That's exciting, though! We were married 11 years before I got pregnant, and we'd waited so long, we wanted to KNOW! LOL! (My first baby is now my 22 year old daughter in law school, and I also have a 20 year old son, playing college football!) Yes, you can still work out seven days a week--some of the exercises will have to be modified. Yes, you can maintain a good figure, but your body may be different in some ways after the baby! (My ribcage and hips expanded, so even after losing all my weight, my clothes fit "differently!") Fortunately, you can take lots of college classes online now, so continuing your education, even after you get a degree, is easily possible! What an exciting time of life for you. I'm sure you've heard this a MILLION times, so this will be a MILLION AND ONE. Time flies, so try to savor every minute. Your children WILL be grown before you know it! Write things down, and blogging will help you remember, as well. I thought I'd always remember when my babies said their first words, and when they cut their first teeth, but the details DO fade! I'm sorry to say I didn't keep up with their baby books like I should have, either!

    Looking forward to reading about the Kellys, and the Kelly's new baby!

    Jamie in Georgia

  8. Hi Erin..Congrats on your marriage and Baby on the way and your new blog of course. Aunt Kim and I are friends. She said your wedding was beautiful and everyone is excited about the baby. I look forward to reading your blog.


  9. Thank you so much everyone for the warm welcome to the blog world!

  10. I cant wait til you have the baby & we can see all of her..or his ;) cute little pictures on here

