Friday, April 29, 2011

My break from blogging

Although I only have eleven followers, I know there are a lot of outside bloggers who are following this so I just want everyone to know, im back! First let me start off by saying, this is my blog, where I will express my feelings, go into details some may not want to hear, and complain about things most people have gone through. If you aren't interested in my life and what I have to say, its very simple, dont follow.
I (We) have been extremly busy since we got married. I moved in to the house my husband bought two years ago. We needed to do a lot of work to prepare for the baby. First we started with getting new oak floors throughout the house, than came the new walls and ceilings. After that was done we were able to paint and order furniture. The babys room is done, our room is done, living room partially done and kitchen still under cnstruction. I absolutly love our bedroom. The minute I walk into here im relaxed. Im also really excited for the kitchen to be done, "the heart of the home." Hopefully by the end of next week it will be done and than we can start putting the house together and finally, after two long months of construction, say its done! Although it was tough living here, having to do dishes in the bathroom sink, sleeping on the floor with just the matress, contractors coming in and out from early morning till night. I am glad we did it all at once. I am going to PA this weekend and Liam is going to go with the contractor to get new windows for the front of the house. Im scared to come back and see what other project he has started! I will post pictures of house once everything is done. Enough about the house....
HUBBY! My husband is great. We have an awesome connection. We are always laughing when we are together. He's always so positive and makes the best out of every situation, and thats why I love him so much! Everything he does, is for me. He cares about me so much and I know that.
BABY! I am almost 21 weeks! I never thought I would say this, but time is flying! Before we know it baby Ryleigh or Aiden will be here. We are still not going to find out the sex. It makes everything more exciting. In two weeks I will go for my last sonogram, which I hear is about an hour long! If everything is okay I dont have to go back till the end of pregnancy. Other than the time going fast, I never thought i'd say....I hope summer flies by!!!! This past month i've seen that a lot of people have had babies and I just want ours to come. Soon enough..soon enough.

I'll leave you with this picture. Look how big the baby got...

I promise to update more often and post some pictures!

Stay tunned.. . . .